My Diary Stuff

My Reads

  • Age: 20s
  • Location: Southern England, UK
  • Occupation: being a Princess..
  • Education: GCSE/A-Level/Bachelors
  • Pros: I love Islam, my pets, my friends and my family
  • Cons: I hate being lonely, missing people, work, not having healthiness
  • Aspirations: train in something useful like teaching, get married and have children (I think that wraps it up nicely!)

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2003-10-30 - 11:54 a.m.

I woke up in the night and couldn't breathe properly. Urgh. I also had really bad stomach ache. Urgh. I feel very blurry today.

Tomorrow I am going to drag myself to the Jobcentre. I need to start applying to be on JA again. Damn... I really hate doing that. I need some money though. This time I am going into it with my eyes open. When I make the personal agreement I am going to be more firm about what I can and can't do and I will attempt to be less wishy washy when signing on. I let them thrust unsuitable jobs at me last time. This time I know the difference an unsuitable job can make to my health.

He has no net at the moment. Damn. Calling is sooooo expensive that I have almost herniated several times this week. I haven't been online much at all because of this dramatic turn of events. Plus, I have reached the next stage in my room cleaning/clearing/de-junking. I believe I am about half way now. I really want to do this whole thing thoroughly though. Before, I have just tidied the surface and not actually cleared out the junk. This time I realise that I need to get rid of certain stuff in order to be able to move on in my life and actually to be able to move around my room without falling over.

That's it really, nothing exciting.

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