My Diary Stuff

My Reads

  • Age: 20s
  • Location: Southern England, UK
  • Occupation: being a Princess..
  • Education: GCSE/A-Level/Bachelors
  • Pros: I love Islam, my pets, my friends and my family
  • Cons: I hate being lonely, missing people, work, not having healthiness
  • Aspirations: train in something useful like teaching, get married and have children (I think that wraps it up nicely!)

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2003-01-27 - 8:38 p.m.

I was contemplating last night - as you do - just how much time I waste waiting for my period to come. The week before my period I start like a countdown. It's not hard to do this because I get such bad PMS, it's not like I need reminding that the painters are gonna come for a prolonged stay! So then for example, two days before it's SUPPOSED to be arriving... I stop everything... and wait. This is ok if you're not working and the two days happen to fall on a weekend. So take this weekend for example, I did nothing except lying around and eating. I feel grotty, minging, fat, slobby, hormonal... so I hardly feel like doing anything. So the whole time I am waiting and waiting... This might seem weird, but believe me when it finally comes... I can't do anything, so I daren't be doing anything before it arrives.

Now disregard all that! Today I woke up at 10am!!!!!! Last night I tried to sleep early at 12am - this was not through choice really, although I felt like an old wet flannel (so I didn't really feel like doing anything), but my bf highly peed me off and I decided to just pack it all in and lie in the dark. So there I lay with my large white soft rabbit, small beany bear and Tigger soft toy - sprawled on them and clutching the beany one in my hand and sucking my thumb feeling sorry for myself. I tried to switch off my brain. I didn't feel like listening to music or the radio... I was so fuming that I decided to do relaxation techniques to calm myself... cos quite frankly I felt like punching someone! Not that there was anyone available to punch...sadly!!! At some point I must have fallen asleep, although annoyingly I woke up at 5.45am - in time to pray, but right now I don't need to pray... so I tried to force myself back to sleep.

Go up at 11am after Trisha and This Morning viewing and went downstairs. Started preparing lunch ready for mom and then watched The Salon. Spent the rest of the day watching tv, chatting to my mom and using... arghhhhhhh.... the PHONE!!! Actually one of my close friends phoned me and then another of my dear friends was having a life crisis so I had to phone her...

Nothing else to report really... *yawn* except the fact that I can't stop yawning. Oh and I cycled for 40 minutes today and nearly died... not a good idea..

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