My Diary Stuff

My Reads

  • Age: 20s
  • Location: Southern England, UK
  • Occupation: being a Princess..
  • Education: GCSE/A-Level/Bachelors
  • Pros: I love Islam, my pets, my friends and my family
  • Cons: I hate being lonely, missing people, work, not having healthiness
  • Aspirations: train in something useful like teaching, get married and have children (I think that wraps it up nicely!)

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2003-01-19 - 9:06 p.m.

Well today's entry could really be yesterday's entry repeated. As always I failed to do anything of an exciting nature and no nasty or nice surprises decided to leap into my life so it was just a sleepy kinda Sunday.

Talking about sleep - woooooo... the past two nights I have ended up sleeping for 11 hour stretches!! I don't know what freakish occurrence has brought this about, but hey... I'm not complaining. Although I feel like a right lazy bum when I wake up at 12.30pm and know that half the day has already sneakily passed me by.

Another weird thing is that I seem to be spending vast amounts of time in the bathroom. Excessive showering is what's to blame due to excessive (seems excessive to me) cycling. Am also developing a habit of listening to soppy music and watching more rubbish TV.

I was filching through some piles of crap that seem to have taken permanent residence on my floor and I came across some old school reports of mine - ranging from the age of 4-16. They said some funny things... the main points that came across were:

- She likes to be cuddle and is a people person (age 4)

- She is shy (age 12 or something)

- She is a natural leader and confident cos she taught her class - and the teacher - to tap dance (age 9)

- She is a chatterer (age like 8 or something)

Strange... I don't remember teaching anyone to tap dance. It was also a bit odd to read about a life that I barely remember. To be honest, I suddenly realised I can barely remember what I did at Primary School! OMG am I getting old... or is it the M.E.? Even Secondary School is faded... I remember odd events and that's about it. I wonder if everyone else is like this at 22???

I haven't been paying much attention to my site or forums I used to visit like Brainfog. I can't really explain why. I guess it's cos I have been doing some other things and have been too busy.

Here's a link for you QUIZZES - my friend gave me this link today, although I haven't done any of them yet I am sure I will... being a quiz freak and all.

I looked at the forms again for the interview - am going to have to do them tomorrow or panic will rise within in me. I was going to do them today, but I was too lazy.. so I tried on a few clothes to decide what to wear and promptly discovered that most of the things I was planning on wearing had decided to fall off me! So I had to rapidly rethink. I guess if I get this job I am going to have to spend my first month's pay on work clothes damnit! I tried out some makeup to see if I could make myself look more awake and with it... I think I managed it, but I am too lazy to remove it, hence the reason I never normally bother!

Oh well that's it from me 4 now...

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