My Diary Stuff

My Reads

  • Age: 20s
  • Location: Southern England, UK
  • Occupation: being a Princess..
  • Education: GCSE/A-Level/Bachelors
  • Pros: I love Islam, my pets, my friends and my family
  • Cons: I hate being lonely, missing people, work, not having healthiness
  • Aspirations: train in something useful like teaching, get married and have children (I think that wraps it up nicely!)

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2003-01-16 - 9:11 p.m.

* I'd forgotten that I'd written the last entry. As you might've guessed lack of updates = due to M.E./virus thingy.

* Basically I have been feeling about as good as a pile of poo. Weak. Cold. Red nosed. Phantom of the Opera white. Etc. I have taken to sleeping on the sofa in the afternoon, drooling like an old granny and watching The Salon on E4.

* One of my uni friends has cheered me up with 4 CDs for me to listen to. Which gives me something to lull myself to when am either heartbroken, sad or generally shite feeling.

* Last night I was watching the local (local being London, although I don't consider London as being local) news and the weirdo doctor I had whilst I was at uni appeared on one of the news items! She had been brought before the General Medical Council and been found guilty of misconduct and stuff!!!! She treated me badly the ONE time I went to see her and I ended up having to sign on temporarily at my parent's GP to get anywhere. Waving her pendant at me and telling me that if I stuck copper rods in my garden I would not be ill! She was what one would call: SCAREY... she made me feel very vulnerable. Basically I didn't realise it, but I was visiting a QUACK doctor... I nearly wet myself when I saw her on TV. Made me feel mildly better, at least it proved that my cure is not copper rods in the garden.

* I have gotten back to regular Trisha viewing. I haven't caught a proper viewing of Ricki for a few days now. Trisha was good when it had fat people on it. Today it was kinda boring and sad, so I switched off my brain and actually got dressed before 10.30pm

* Tomorrow I am supposed to be going to lunch with my friend from school, but am not looking forward to it. I know I have been squeezed into an available slot in her diary like one of my friends squeezes into her jeans. She is slotting me in before she has to go and do some 'agency work'... so I dunno how many minutes of her precious time I am going to be donated. I feel a bit peeved about it, but guess I should be nice and :) - I sound like a b**** plz excuse me

* I need to fill in my disclosure forms and stuff for that job interview and find an outfit to wear and start preparing - in some way... not sure how

* I also need to fill in my job seekers booklet and read about signing off. I do not fancy having a crack at old Tone's New Deal lol...

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