My Diary Stuff

My Reads

  • Age: 20s
  • Location: Southern England, UK
  • Occupation: being a Princess..
  • Education: GCSE/A-Level/Bachelors
  • Pros: I love Islam, my pets, my friends and my family
  • Cons: I hate being lonely, missing people, work, not having healthiness
  • Aspirations: train in something useful like teaching, get married and have children (I think that wraps it up nicely!)

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2002-12-21 - 4:35 p.m.

Hmmm... am back again... although sad to think that No-Answers will be missing out on my sudden entries. I hope that she has a very MERRY CHRISTMAS... although I am sure she will seeing as she has Y to keep her amused.

I have just stuffed myself with some pitta and cottage cheese. Am going to regret this in a minute when the nausea sets in, but my stomach sounded like a whole gang of lil' people were in there shouting and having a party... so I thought I had better provide them with some snack food!

Well nothing has happened of an exciting nature today. I came offline early last night and went and watched Midsomer Murders - I always find the music freaks me out. It was a repeat, but with my brainfog it made no difference cos I couldn't remember anything anyway! After that I played with the cats and tinkled on the piano before going to bed. I actually think I managed to get to sleep before 2am last night and I slept till 12.30 today... so that's a good 10 or maybe even 11 hours!! I am so happy!!! I slept... *sigh* although sleeping till 12pm is not really my thing and makes me look like a lazy arse. I did rather like the fact that last night I felt all safe and warm and cosy in my bed and I lay there thinking about 'him' (as I have taken to calling him) and really enjoying myself... and no I was not thinking anything of a sexual nature either - cos I have to admit that sounds very dodgy!! I was just dreamy I guess. So when I went to sleep I was actually thinking of something nice and that makes me feel good, cos normally I go to sleep feeling angry or worried because I can't sleep.

I have to think about wrapping things tonight or tomorrow. It's only family stuff. I feel really guilty cos I haven't called back one of my friends and she called me on Tuesday and I promised to call her back. OOPS.

It's really eerie today. Misty and grey, except now it's pitch black and foggy. This kind of weather reminds me of a really old version I once watched on C4 of The Hounds of the Baskervilles - which incidently is being shown at Xmas (new adaptation) - which scared the shit out of me because it was so misty and grey and I was only about 11... good excuse!

I'm so bored. I want to eat something sweet now because I just ate something savoury. That's the type of person I am... fickle.

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