My Diary Stuff

My Reads

  • Age: 20s
  • Location: Southern England, UK
  • Occupation: being a Princess..
  • Education: GCSE/A-Level/Bachelors
  • Pros: I love Islam, my pets, my friends and my family
  • Cons: I hate being lonely, missing people, work, not having healthiness
  • Aspirations: train in something useful like teaching, get married and have children (I think that wraps it up nicely!)

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2002-12-14 - 10:50 p.m.

I realised today that my diary entries have been quite mundane and banal recently. I cannot for the life of me say that this diary or any of its content has ever been an amazing read... quite frankly that was not the intention. I guess in a way I use this diary as a way of refreshing my memory, organising my one brain cell and also... and all too frequently as an emotional outlet. I read over people's diaries and they are really witty or seem to have a theme, but when I look over mine... I'm not feeling it...

Ok so what's been happening. Well not a lot really. I am feeling way better than the past few days, so that is a blessing. By mistake I slept in till after 12 today and by this time my mom and dad had decided that they were going shopping without me. As it turns out it was a good job because my dad insisted on parking the car literally miles away from the town centre and although I might have reached my destination I doubt I would have managed to do much shopping!! So instead I ate Ryvitas and watched some weird 'teen' TV on Channel 5 and then lay in bed chatting online and randomly looking for jobs.

Well there are currently NO jobs for me to apply for - except one. Basically whilst I was at the Job review on Wednesday the woman printed me off the details of two council jobs. I had to email a recruitment centre to get the damned application forms. These arrived today and so I took a look at the job descriptions. Both of them are part time - around 18.5 hours a week... with okish salaries. BUT upon closer inspection one of them expected me to erm organise conferences (bizarrely something I have done before) AND... - this is the shocking bit - travel to and attend the conferences!! These conferences were all about Child Protection and stuff... not really something that floats my lil' ole boat... so that one was out of the window. Job number two sounded more up my street... but it means dealing with old dudes - something I am not so good at because when they start being rude I have the urge to break down in tears - and quite strangely this one asked for bookkeeping skills!!! This is a erm string I have yet to add to my bow, but I am still going to apply for it. Hopefully, I will not get it, but it looks good to say I applied and keeps the Jobcentre happy. What I can't understand is why they make no mention of any of this in the advert?! Thus, the Jobcentre thinks these positions are suitable for me, when clearly they are not. Oh well!

Hmmmm... I had a look at this website today. I started fantasising about buying things off it... I have no idea why! Firstly I have no money and secondly it is Christmas soon and I am supposed to be buying for other people! They have a gorgeous Merino Wool Mix Blanket... mmmm I could imagine myself draped in that. And - like anyone wanted to know this - they also have some really nice underwear sets and pyjamas. I spend far too much time in bedwear... maybe I should purchase one of their 'leisurewear' outfits? (lol) Actually I was thinking I should really start dressing up as if I am going out and lounge around the house looking gorgeous... draping (I like this thought hence my second usage of the word) myself across the sofas... all I need now is a cigarette holder and a sexy pout!

Another thing that has been slightly bugging me recently is that I have been neglecting my beauty routine a bit. I go through phases of being really good and attending to every inch of my body... giving it the love that it deserves, and then through phases of just maintaining basic hygiene and dang anything else. Of course this mainly has to do with my health and energy levels. So obviously my recent lows have prohibited me from doing anything beyond a quick scrub and brush up. I went through a time when I would slap moisturiser over my feet and shove socks on them to make them soft and lovely. (blame my sister for that) - she even had special gloves that u wore in bed at night.. he hee

Diet and exercise have been rather non-existent this week. I also would like to make a plea to No-Answers to not desert her diary. I think it might get lonely over the Xmas period. At the end of the day we know that not everyone can keep up with the pace of my 'oh so witty' diary - he hee. Oh and if anyone ever wanted to learn a bit more about me then look here. I finally got my ass into gear and linked a bit for once. Yehay.

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