My Diary Stuff

My Reads

  • Age: 20s
  • Location: Southern England, UK
  • Occupation: being a Princess..
  • Education: GCSE/A-Level/Bachelors
  • Pros: I love Islam, my pets, my friends and my family
  • Cons: I hate being lonely, missing people, work, not having healthiness
  • Aspirations: train in something useful like teaching, get married and have children (I think that wraps it up nicely!)

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2002-09-14 - 11:35 p.m.

Well I didn�t do too much yesterday. I spent ages looking for work and not finding any. I spent time out in the garden and made my sister a nice dinner. She has come to stay for a couple of days. She really likes the gerbils, which is cool. She was watching and reading what I was doing on the PC � which was not so cool!! She wanted to go on there because where she lives they have to pay per minute for the Internet and here it is 24hrs. It�s a bit annoying though because I am really possessive of my computers and I hate other people using them.

Today was quite cool. We got up quite late because my sister was watching a movie till 2am and I was online fiddling around with things. I slept a lot as a result although I was woken up at 9.30am by the phone � my Grandad � which we didn�t answer in time� phew. I don�t know what he wanted, but I would be of no help to him because I can�t get to him etc., anyway he rang again at lunchtime and we didn�t answer again in time because neither of us could decide which one should answer!! Then about an hour later � I was asleep again � someone banged on the door� it was the Salvation Army coming to pick their envelope donation thingy� so I had to go downstairs and find it and put money in it. Anyway after that I could hardly go back to bed so I got up.

My sis and I dragged ourselves into town� well she drove me!! Kinda like being dragged! We went round loads of shops, which was quite tiring and looked at loads and loads of clothes. She tried some things on, but I didn�t because I couldn�t afford anything. She bought some really nice boots to go with trousers and got some vouchers in return. We then went to have lunch and she treated me to it�. Which was really nice of her. Then we went to look around some more. She offered to buy me this lovely pink woollen sweater, which comes with a matching scarf. We had seen it before lunchtime, but seeing as I had no money I had made a mental note to buy it when I get some money in my bank account. Anyway I was so embarrassed at the thought of her buying it for me that I went bright red� which she found highly amusing. Anyway she said she could use the vouchers and that she wanted to buy me something� and she said I could give her something towards it. Anyway the outcome of this is that she bought me the sweater. So now I have something nice to wear this winter!!

I saw some really nice skirts to buy for when I get a job and I am quite looking forward to doing that. I had an ice-cream whilst I was out, which was really bad of me, but totally delicious. It�s kinda cold to be eating ice-cream, but I saw this man eating one and thought �what the hell�. After our traipsing round the shops we went to the supermarket and I promptly lost my sister! Anyway I managed to get all the things I need so that�s good. I had a really nice time with her and I am really pleased about that because after all I only have one sister and I wanna get on with her as well as I can.

I came on msn at about 6pm and it was crazy. I had 6 windows open and people trying to chat to me all at the same time. I felt quite ill from it so after a short while I said bye and went to have something to eat. My friends are still arguing about housing and one of them is giving me and our other friend emotional blackmail, which is non too pleasant. I just acted distant towards her because I couldn�t be bothered with her. She is acting all spoilt and I just feel like she should be bloody grateful for what she has� but unfortunately she does not see it that way. I am really relieved that I am not living with her because it would do my head in to be involved in all that. It was bad enough last year - I feel really sorry for my friend who is trying to make a go of things.

I reaaaaallllllllllyyyyyyyy miss my bf��.. sniff sniff�� :-( I didn�t speak with him properly in a couple of days. Last night msn was acting up all strange, which sucked badly. I spoke to my mom last night, but she was in the restaurant or lounge or something so she came to reception to speak to me and so she didn�t talk for long. Today they should be at a new hotel and I should be getting the new number at some point. Sounds like they are having fun and enjoying their time together, which I am really pleased about because that was the whole point of me not going (well in my mind anyway).

My sister leaves tomorrow morning, so I shall be on my own again. I will kinda miss her I think. I tried to spend time chatting to her without getting on her nerves. I want her to understand me as best she can and I try to understand her and respect her space. I think that is the best recipe for us getting on well together.

Oh well ttfn�

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