My Diary Stuff

My Reads

  • Age: 20s
  • Location: Southern England, UK
  • Occupation: being a Princess..
  • Education: GCSE/A-Level/Bachelors
  • Pros: I love Islam, my pets, my friends and my family
  • Cons: I hate being lonely, missing people, work, not having healthiness
  • Aspirations: train in something useful like teaching, get married and have children (I think that wraps it up nicely!)

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2002-09-05 - 2:16 p.m.

Hmmmmm... well I'm back. Today is proving to be alright I guess. I am trying to keep mom calm and non-stressed because I feel like if she gets stressed then I will feel awful and won't know what to do. To that end I cooked a really nice lunch and even managed to eat some myself. I stepped on the scales this morning to find that I have lost quite a bit of weight.. which theoretically is good but in reality is bad... because I am not losing it intentionally and through dieting.


I have come to the conclusion that when you feel deprived of something then you miss it more. Like when I knew I could talk to me bf then I didn't miss him so much in the day.. now I can't talk to him at all I miss him all the time and a lot in the day - but it isn't like I ever talked to him in the day... hmmm... *confused face*

I think I will have a nap this afternoon and then play either The Sims or Theme Hospital. I am going around in a kind of daze - a dreamy state. And then of course mum and dad are leaving in the middle of the night to go away for their break - so I am sure that once I am on my own I will be in even more of a dreamy mood. On the other hand I have a thousand chores to do and lots of things I am supposed to either be checking or keeping an eye on during the day... so that will keep me out of trouble and busy for a bit!!

Ok well I am off to snooze..

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