My Diary Stuff

My Reads

  • Age: 20s
  • Location: Southern England, UK
  • Occupation: being a Princess..
  • Education: GCSE/A-Level/Bachelors
  • Pros: I love Islam, my pets, my friends and my family
  • Cons: I hate being lonely, missing people, work, not having healthiness
  • Aspirations: train in something useful like teaching, get married and have children (I think that wraps it up nicely!)

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2002-09-03 - 9:21 p.m.

Ok so yesterday was my graduation ceremony.

It was a really nice day.. sunny and warm - well a bit hot really especially with the gown on. We had a nice lunch in an Italian restaurant near where I used to live. I also caught up with a few friends who were also graduating, which was nice.

I had my photo done and I hope that comes out ok. It was a bit embarassing and I have a feeling I was grinning like the Cheshire Cat - worryingly. I had to have special access for the ceremony, along with another girl who was on crutches. This mean that I sat at the very front and I came on and off from the side of the stage/platform. But it meant I didn't have to walk miles up loads of stairs and this made a big difference. The reception was on the uni campus... more walking... and then we had to return back to the ceremony place to return my gown. What with all this walking and standing and also my lack of sleep - oh and we had to walk to the tube etc. - I felt like I had died by the time I finally got home. It was such a good day... but I am paying for it now. As soon as I got home I collapsed into my bed and lay there propped up by a million cushions wondering how I could sum up the energy to remove my make-up. I really hate that feeling of over exhaustion so that your body is shaking and you can feel every muscle and bone.

Anyway I slept in till 1.30pm today and then made some lunch for mom. We went to pick the dog up from the kennels and then I came back to lie on my bed. I feel really terrible, but I have been doing some job searching on the internet. I have found one job to ring up and enquire about which is a receptionist position for two days a week. I bet the pay will be really bad so I am not holding out too much hope.

Tomorrow is going to be a really bad day in terms of energy... urgh. I have to go to the Jobcentre and sign on and also to the benefits agency to sort out some financial details. Mamma has a few errands to run and I have to post my friends parcel. Then we have to pick up the dogs bed which mum left at the kennels by mistake.

I just realised tonight how many letters and e-mails I owe people. I guess that is part and parcel of the fact that I have a lot of friends. I will really have to make a start on sorting that out.. something to do while mom and dad are away.

I am definitely going to make an effort to sort out some areas of my room whilst they are away and also do things like chuck out old clothes and so on that I don't want. I am also going to try and do some studying and sort out the pile of videos we have. I want to read a novel which I have been really lazy about reading... so all in all I have plenty to do. It will be a bit quiet here though.

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