My Diary Stuff

My Reads

  • Age: 20s
  • Location: Southern England, UK
  • Occupation: being a Princess..
  • Education: GCSE/A-Level/Bachelors
  • Pros: I love Islam, my pets, my friends and my family
  • Cons: I hate being lonely, missing people, work, not having healthiness
  • Aspirations: train in something useful like teaching, get married and have children (I think that wraps it up nicely!)

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2002-08-31 - 2:38 p.m.



I feel like crying.. argh this is the third time I have tried to write this and each time I keep losing it. Ok now I am sticking with writing this... I will not let it defeat me.

Well today is Saturday and being a Saturday I have not really done much intersting or active stuff. I just find Saturdays are odd time when I am not sure exactly what to do. Anyway I cleaned my room and did a bit of exercise - like 10 minutes which is clearly not enough lol - before giving up because my legs were hurting me too much to do it. Later on I have to start writing to a friend and also pack up another friend's birthday present. Hmmmm.. I must also clean out my gerbil babies and stew some plums to put in the freezer -----> ohhh the exciting life I lead. ;-)

Last night was weird. I thought me bf was mad with me so I came offline from chatting with him and got into bed and turned out the lights... decided to sulk in the dark!! Anyway he calls me and then texts me to get me to go back online... so I did. Then I end up spending ages on there chatting to him . Quite bizarrely this girl he knows came on there and I was in a 3 way conversation with her... but I wasn't saying anything - yes even I can be silent for a bit - because (cunning plan)I wanted to see what she would say to him. Anyway she was coming onto him so he set her straight and she got moody with him and was rude about me. You know what was weird was I was reading all this and I just thought it was so funny. Normally I would get upset, but I trust him and I think these girls that keep going after him are silly.

One of my uni friends called this morning, which was so nice as I miss her so much. Anyway they've got a place to live in in central London now... so I can go and stay - yippeeeeeeeeeee - am well pleased and completely chuffed for them because they were getting really stressed out about it.

Well my mamma and dad are getting ready to go on holiday. Mum is kind of stressing a lot now because she has so much to do. I am so glad I am not going because I just couldn't hack having to pack and travel in the car all that way right now. I am still feeling stressed about Monday and the graduation ceremony - I just want to get it out of the way and to stop thinking about it. Hmmmm... I just seem to have so many little things to do. I need to sort my old mobile out and e-mail the new mobile company about my accessories pack... which they never sent me. I must also go and sign on at the Jobcentre on Wednesday and take my documents to the Benefits agency because the stupid people made a mistake and need to see all my financial stuff. ARGH!!

Otherwise I am fine and dandy.. I spent ages yesterday afternoon playing Theme Hospital - am such a lazy bum... so I might play The Sims in a moment. Well it is Saturday after all... rest and relaxation.


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