My Diary Stuff

My Reads

  • Age: 20s
  • Location: Southern England, UK
  • Occupation: being a Princess..
  • Education: GCSE/A-Level/Bachelors
  • Pros: I love Islam, my pets, my friends and my family
  • Cons: I hate being lonely, missing people, work, not having healthiness
  • Aspirations: train in something useful like teaching, get married and have children (I think that wraps it up nicely!)

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2002-05-23 - 11:45 p.m.

Gosh... am already adding more than one entry in one day. My life is so sad!

I am really tired, so in a minute I am going to go to bed. I am just kinda annoyed. My friend has gone home because she has an appointment with the dentist and opticians tomorrow. She had done this group coursework and the guy who had all the coursework is leaving on Sunday to go back home to another country. So the guy needed to give the coursework to someone from the group, which basically ended up being my friend (especially because he lives in the same place as us). Obviously she was gone, so I said to her to tell him to come and give it to me and I would give it to her on Monday. So I waited for him to come... it got to 10.30pm and I thought it was getting a bit late because I wanted to change for bed. I am in pain and achey and I just wanted to be comfortable. Anyway he didn't come. I waited till 11pm before getting changed and decided I would not answer the door if he came after that. He still hasn't come.

I just think that is really rude. My poor friend feels bad because in all reality it is nothing to do with me. I told her not to worry. I mean it is not like I was doing anything. I am just revising/translating and also mucking around online.

Tomorrow I am going home. I have mixed feelings about this. I am not sure how it will be. I am so restless. I feel unwell and just get in the way. I just feel like I should do more to help and participate more in family life. Sometimes I just want to shut myself away in a fantasy land, which is why I think I like being online so much. I know that I will have to sort this out before I return home for good. I can't feel so strongly like this if I am going to fit back into the family home again. It is going to be hard. I need to sort out my room and chuck out the cr*p.

Oh my G-d.... a guy just knocked at the door... I am in my nightclothes - hmph! He wasn't even the guy who was supposed to give me the work. It was some patronising, spotty bloke. Guys like that put me off men forever! It was quite funny because I took ages to answer and then just peeped round the door - so he couldn't see my nightclothes. Hmph... eurgh - he looked at me quite curiously and then made some patronising comment implying I might lose it. As ifffff... I worked handling large sums of cash and cheques last year and never once lost anything. I bet he didn't realise how old I am. He is probably about 18.

Anyway am trying not to get angry (although clearly am irritable - but that's more because I am in pain) as I frown a lot then and give myself lines. I don't want to end up with facial wrinkles on top of all my other problems. That would just be another thing to worry about.

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