My Diary Stuff

My Reads

  • Age: 20s
  • Location: Southern England, UK
  • Occupation: being a Princess..
  • Education: GCSE/A-Level/Bachelors
  • Pros: I love Islam, my pets, my friends and my family
  • Cons: I hate being lonely, missing people, work, not having healthiness
  • Aspirations: train in something useful like teaching, get married and have children (I think that wraps it up nicely!)

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2004-01-20 - 3:24 p.m.

Oh I am feeling so tired. I slept from 2 a.m. till just before noon, but I still feel like I'm short on the old brain and energy cells.

Mom's gone to practice her golf swing with her friend at some driving range, hehe, I find that funny for some reason. I have done absolutely NOTHING except feed myself, wash my mom's hair for her and get back into bed. I really need to try and hang up some washing before my mom gets back and really I should do something about my room, which is getting progressively more and more disgusting. In fact, I think that my room being a complete tip makes me feel worse because I can just see all this crap staring at me... waiting to be tidied.

Yesterday I forgot to mention the giant drama that happened over the weekend concerning my sister. Anyway, she's not moving here anymore. They decided not to buy the house because they thought they would find it hard to sell and basically the only reason her fiance was buying it was to make some money on a sale... not to provide a stable home for my sister to live in near her family. Cos that's what normal people do... and they don't wanna be normal like us innocent folks. Yeah so my parents, well namely at this point my dad, freaked out about it. My dad is depressed and down about the whole situation. It's really not what he envisaged for his daughter who he made such an effort to raise the right way and spent all his money on. So then on Sunday night my sister calls my mom and my mom freaks out at her because basically my sister said she is moving back to the South Coast, which is where her fiance is from and it's like a 4 hour drive from here. My mom was like asking her well why are you going down there, why don't you look for some place round here as it would be nice to see you a bit more often. My sister said her fiance misses his friends, is lonely and needs to go back down there to build up his business. She said she has to follow him and I was like *uhhhh*, cos she's not married to him or anything so I don't think it's her duty! So now both my parents are mad at her. Anyway, it's kinda good for me because I get to look fairly good and so on.

I don't really care anymore about what my sister does. I am so fed up with the situation. I just want to sort myself and my life out and stop having to hear about her 101 dramas every day. Theoretically on the 2nd of February my daddy is taking me to a Wedding Fayre... ahhh... hehe methinks that's a step in the right direction.

I keep trying not to think about the Jobcentre, but when I am propped up in bed I can see the bus going by every hour and it reminds me of the fact I have to get it on Thursday. I really don't want to go, maybe this time will be my last trip because although I need the money I am really not feeling well enough to work or get the damn bus. Urgh.

I jabbed my toe on this cupboard thingy earlier and it started bleeding! Ok TMI, but waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa it really hurts.

Ok I'd better go do something before I get in trouble with my muuuuuuuummmy.

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