My Diary Stuff

My Reads

  • Age: 20s
  • Location: Southern England, UK
  • Occupation: being a Princess..
  • Education: GCSE/A-Level/Bachelors
  • Pros: I love Islam, my pets, my friends and my family
  • Cons: I hate being lonely, missing people, work, not having healthiness
  • Aspirations: train in something useful like teaching, get married and have children (I think that wraps it up nicely!)

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2004-01-15 - 10:18 a.m.

I haven't updated for a while because I have been feeling so under the weather and nothing has really happened to update about.

Last night I hardly slept, I feel really grim now. Mum got up early because she was going out and woke me up after I had finally got to sleep, then it was too light to go back to sleep again so I got up. Amazing news is that it's 10.18 a.m. and I have eaten AND showered and dressed. I guess there's some good things about getting up early.

Yesterday I just continued to rest a lot because when my glands are up this is usually a warning sign that if I don't stop now I will regret it later on. Also, I didn't really have anything majorly exciting to do except tidy and clean my room thouroughly, which looks set to take all week, so I thought I might as well rest up. Good thing is that the lumps have gone down, so rest seems to be helping me for once.

The most exciting thing that has happened recently was that yesterday afternoon my epilator arrived. I had ordered one from - they seem to do really cheap electrical stuff and free delivery - and was a bit worried it would be so painful I couldn't use it. It's surprisingly not that bad. Dad was in a foul mood all yesterday so once the epilator had arrived I had hours of fun playing with it in an attempt to de-Yeti my legs. Unfortunately it sounds like a mini-lawnmower so I won't be able to use it in the middle of the night when I am bored and having a fit of insomnia!

Yeah so yesterday dad was in a foul mood about this memorial service that his uncle is supposed to be arranging, but which my dad seems to have decided to take over. He was going all religious on us and making a fuss about every little thing. It looks like I will have to go to this service on Sunday afternoon and mingle with the rellies. Horror of horrors. I can see myself ending up in bed. I don't even know any of these relatives, that's how close my family are. Anyway, the printer has died and my printer needs a new ink cartridge, so I came online and sourced a cheap printer which should be delivered today. Mum was getting stressed out by dad's behaviour so I tried my best to keep out of the way.

My sister and her fiance are definitely moving to our village. They are buying the new house this weekend. I am not really relishing the thought of having her other half on our doorstep as he drives me nuts. *sigh* It looks like their wedding will be in the autumn or spring 2005.

I really need to design my new diary and chose a new diary name. I just haven't felt like doing it recently. I think I will go and lie down for a bit now as I feel so tired.

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