My Diary Stuff

My Reads

  • Age: 20s
  • Location: Southern England, UK
  • Occupation: being a Princess..
  • Education: GCSE/A-Level/Bachelors
  • Pros: I love Islam, my pets, my friends and my family
  • Cons: I hate being lonely, missing people, work, not having healthiness
  • Aspirations: train in something useful like teaching, get married and have children (I think that wraps it up nicely!)

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2003-12-09 - 11:22 p.m.

I have a spotty nose.

Today I had terrible stomach pains. I didn't do anything much really. I kept falling asleep. I noticed how slow I am to do things and how every day - pretty much - I get up and don't do any of the things that I mentally intended to. Well tomorrow this has to change because I HAVE to sort those parcels out for posting. I still haven't sorted them out and it's beginning to annoy me. I need to write two letters to go in these parcels. I might manage to write a bit in a moment if I get myself into gear.

I have spoken a lot with him about Islam today. It's always very interesting and we encourage each other to be spiritually more aware and try to increase our eman and just generally to be better. *~~~* He said he has a brokenheart - all my fault - I felt very numb about that. I caught myself crying earlier because of the situation we got ourselves into. A giant mess. I admit my faults. I have made some mistakes in my friendship and relationship with him. I get this lump in my throat when I think too much about how I cared for him, I still do I guess... that's why I get the throat situation. I never had this problem before. I always ended things swiftly and cleanly, but that's because I wanted to. This time I don't want to. I really don't want to. I never want to, but there's all those sayings: "it's for the best", blah, blah, blah... I just can't feel it to be able to believe it. It's the kind of situation where you want the other person to commit some evil crime so that you can dislike them and have reason to cut yourself off from them. It's just not happening.

I am supposed to be going to a party type thingy on Saturday. Anyway, I am not really going for the party, just to see my friend. Well I was musing over going to see her and hang for a momento at this partaaaaay, but hadn't decided. Then I come downstairs tonight to be told by my mom that she told my sister I am going... AND.... AND used it as an excuse why my sister can't come round with her fiance on Saturday. So that means I have to go now. Mother's are very random. All my friends have very random mothers so at least it's not just me. I can't believe my mom did that. I'm still in shock.

It's 23.53 and I still haven't finished... so much for my letter writing activities. I would also like to make some cards, but clearly it's a bit late to be doing that. I keep watching Create and Craft (channel 695) - website. I rather like what they do on there, although the presenters are a bit eccentric. The products are sooooo expensive though, it's rather irritating. At least it stops me from buying things. If anyone knows of a good more economic craft supplies website in the UK, then leave me a note.

Anyhoo... am gonna go and write something meaningful to my friends. Take care everyone and if you live in the UK then wrap up warm and eat lots of chocolate.

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