My Diary Stuff

My Reads

  • Age: 20s
  • Location: Southern England, UK
  • Occupation: being a Princess..
  • Education: GCSE/A-Level/Bachelors
  • Pros: I love Islam, my pets, my friends and my family
  • Cons: I hate being lonely, missing people, work, not having healthiness
  • Aspirations: train in something useful like teaching, get married and have children (I think that wraps it up nicely!)

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2003-07-13 - 9:20 p.m.

I don�t really know what kind of a mood could describe how I am feeling today. I guess numb mixed with M.E.-ey would be a good start. My hands keep clawing up today and I attempted to massage my joints but didn�t get very far. My good old friend Insomnia visited me again last night � oh for the bliss of last weekend�s marathon sleep-ins, but it wasn�t to be. When I finally got to sleep I had my reoccurring nightmare� the one I have every few weeks in which I am at boarding school again and I have to take my A-levels. Thing is I can�t remember any of my English texts and panic sets in. This time the dream, for added variation, included that I had also forgotten to bring my set text books and I had lost my navy blue uniform skirt� so I ended up having to wear faded blue jogging bottoms which had bits of fluff stuck to them. I wish this dream would just go away and leave me alone.

Yeah so after the refreshing night of sleep that I had� I was ready to jump out and face the world with a �minty fresh� grin on my face. Hmmm� or maybe not. Anyway, I decided that seeing as sleep availed me, I might as well get up and do something useful. I had promised my parents to make them kofteh for lunch a while ago and seeing as it was a nice day I thought we could have a good old b-b-q. So I made them a nice lunch and we smoked the neighbourhood out. After that I had to go to bed. The heat makes me sleepy and all the effort of making lunch had tired me out so I climbed into bed and took a quick nap-like rest.

The rest of the day has been spent doing, well, not a lot really. I finally caught up with P, which was good and we played Wheel of Decision (or something like that) on MSN messenger. That Wheel of Whatever is very weird, although with my childish ways I actually found it quite amusing. I also read a bit, played with the dog and cats and lay around like a beached whale.

I had a bit of bad incident today� found out something that has distressed me somewhat. If I am going to write about it, I will write it in a private entry. I just remembered that I forgot to write about work last week. Hmmm�

Oh and as for him. He�s not revealing himself to me at the moment. Reminds me of dogs that go skulking around with their tails between their legs. I don�t think he would see it that way, but I rather like the idea myself. He�s not making one ounce of effort at the moment and quite frankly that does drive me mad. On the other hand, I think well flip that� I will just get on and do my own thing too� he hee� if only it worked like that!

Lastly, HUGZ to Kat whose in hospital right now� :(

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