My Diary Stuff

My Reads

  • Age: 20s
  • Location: Southern England, UK
  • Occupation: being a Princess..
  • Education: GCSE/A-Level/Bachelors
  • Pros: I love Islam, my pets, my friends and my family
  • Cons: I hate being lonely, missing people, work, not having healthiness
  • Aspirations: train in something useful like teaching, get married and have children (I think that wraps it up nicely!)

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2003-05-19 - 8:43 p.m.


Hmmmm... haven't updated for ages. Ooops - I would like to say it's cos am having too much fun, but that would be stretching the truth a bit.

I rested myself on Thursday as I had decided to and then Friday I can't remember what I did! The weekend was extremely social for me because I went out both days. On Saturday I went to Freeport, which is this designer shopping village... except it's pants! I went there with my sister and our friend Shakira - blatantly not called Shakira, but anyway! Shakira is very strange... she has some kind of eating disorder so being around her is always a bit weird. I feel like more of a lard arse than normal and whenever we eat anything I feel like she is watching me. She never really eats anything unless it has 0.4 grams of fat in it. I had a drink and a panini and my sis had a drink and a sandwich... our friend has a cup of tea claiming she had eaten breakfast and was going to have dinner later. Hmmmmm... I have never seen anyone as skinny as her... she seriously has no ass! It's like looking at a real life stick person.

Then yesterday (Sunday) I went with my family and my sister's friend and friend's bf to this Indian restaurant. I've never been too keen on Indian food because it always seemed to disagree with me. Anyways this lunch seemed really nice and I thought I was fine. Got back mid-afternoon and had to go straight to bed. Spent the whole evening with a migraine lying in the dark wearing sunglasses, whilst producing excessive heat like a boiler and trying not to puke....

So lay there watching a really awful programme about the Palestianians called Killing Zone on Channel 4. I really wanted to puke, but nothing was happening so drank water, but even that made me feel sick. Had the windows open and my fan on and lay there in a vest top trying to cool down - most unnatural! Finally managed to get to sleep at like 3 am. Woke up this morning to find the painters have come to stay. Thought it wouldn't be too bad, but have spent most of today doubled up or in the bathroom. SOooooooooooO... am not going to work tomorrow. I feel really bad about it, but there's no way I could stand up and serve people and then suddenly fold in half while clutching wildly at my stomach. Am sure I will be fine for Wednesday tho - oooh what a delight.

Lately things have been going really well with my bf. I am pleased that it is possible for me to have a heart-to-heart (a la Trisha) with him and actually get things that are bothering me out in the open. Sadly though I won't be seeing him for the next three weeks because he has exams and needs to study for them. It's embarassing really how much I depend on him to be around for me. It's not like he is mega comforting in my hour of need or anything... but just knowing he is there for me is nice.

Oh and lastly, Cleo now has a 'soft' cast... whatever that means - in a neon green! Very fetching... just seems to not clonk as much as the casts she had before. Can't wait for her to get that horrible thing off permanently though. More pics soon! ;)

I'm off to refill my hotwater bottle... byeeeeeeeeee!

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