My Diary Stuff

My Reads

  • Age: 20s
  • Location: Southern England, UK
  • Occupation: being a Princess..
  • Education: GCSE/A-Level/Bachelors
  • Pros: I love Islam, my pets, my friends and my family
  • Cons: I hate being lonely, missing people, work, not having healthiness
  • Aspirations: train in something useful like teaching, get married and have children (I think that wraps it up nicely!)

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What Emotion Are You?
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2003-03-30 - 8:42 p.m.


Yesterday I was helpfully informed by my virus scan that I have a virus, except the AV didn't seem to want to actually do anything about it and instead insisted on flashing up windows every so often telling me that a virus had been found. My evening went downhill from there on and I stayed up till 3am trying to sort it out. This wasn't helped by the fact that yesterday morning I woke up to find that my snivel had turned into a full scale cold.

BTW this is developing into a rant so either stop reading now or go grab a large beverage.

Yeah so that just topped off a totally poo-ey day. We were meant to go out for my mom's bday lunch, which had been booked at a speciality tea-rooms in a place about 30 minutes drive from us. I dragged myself out of bed at some unearthly hour, had a shower and got ready. We drove to the place only to find out that they had given our 'reserved' table away to someone else and there was no space for us. The woman in charge was most un-apologetic and made us stand around for 10 minutes like lemons. By this time I was starting to feel like falling on the ground and it was obvious the people who had our table were not going to leave within the next few minutes so we left. I don't think we will be going back.

I felt so peed off... and even more peed off for my mom who had been looking forward to this excursion for a while. My appetite had completely vanished because of that rude lady who had made us feel like we had done something wrong. So dad drove to a nearby town and we ended up having lunch in a cafe! Not really what mom had been thinking of lol...

Mmmmmm today was marginally better. The sun was shining at least. I spent the morning sorting out the trojan problem. I think it's all gone now, so fingers crossed I will have no more problems. Cleaned out my gerbils and made lunch for my parents... etc, even managed to loll on the sofa watching a bit of The Salon. It was completely and utterly boring though. They had some barbershop quartet singing to people's moms.... urgh it was just too sickly for my liking.

Oh and then this evening my day had to be ruined (although some people might say I only ruined it through my selfishness) by finding out that my sister is coming to live with us on Friday for an indefinite period of time. Quelle surprise that she just waltzes back when she has no-where else to live and decides to park her bum and make my life a misery. Worse than that though is the thought/knowledge that her boyfriend might come and park his bum too! Now that is just enough to make me suicidal. I need my space and privacy and in our tiny house... urghhhhhhh! I just end up doing everything for them because they are lazy and now I am working I don't know how on earth that's going to pan out.

Ok I sound like a right selfish bitch... that's probably cos when it comes to my home.. I am! I just don't deal well with change either... it makes me feel stressed and anxious and my M.E. flares up more. Oh well...

Am going off to see what's on tv or read or something. Hope everyone had a nice day.

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