My Diary Stuff

My Reads

  • Age: 20s
  • Location: Southern England, UK
  • Occupation: being a Princess..
  • Education: GCSE/A-Level/Bachelors
  • Pros: I love Islam, my pets, my friends and my family
  • Cons: I hate being lonely, missing people, work, not having healthiness
  • Aspirations: train in something useful like teaching, get married and have children (I think that wraps it up nicely!)

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2003-02-06 - 12:08 a.m.

I feel depressed.

Today was ok I guess because I woke up before 9.30am and watched Trisha, got up and had extreme diet breakfast and then cycled for.... 40 minutes!!! I felt so bad about lack of cycling in the past two days that I was silly and attempted to make up for it by manically cycling today. Mom came home so I sat and had a cuppa with her and showered, then made lunch - which was another low fat extravaganza.

The main crux of today is that it was good from a low-fat/diet perspective. I stuck to having only my allowed treat and took my medicines etc. So I am quite pleased with that, but then I have to remember to do this EVERY day... which is where I come unstuck lol.

Healthwise (probably partly due to cycling) I am not very good. I have felt poorly, in terms of viral, the past few days. Today was no exception and around 3.30pm I felt so tired that I went to bed and slept for a bit. Mom wanted me to watch a movie with her this evening so I went and watched that, which was quite good in fact.

This meant I was late coming online... bit of a bummer for some people. Anyway, news was broken to me that has kind of depressed me, except that I feel guilty, stupid and silly for feeling like that. I feel like I need to make more of a life for myself outside of these four walls, but I don't really know how. I know that probably sounds really nerdy and sad, but with my health restrictions and the fact that I live in a rural area - can't drive and couldn't afford a car even if I could... I kind of don't have a lot of options. I do have a few things that are happening... like the course and staying at my friend's and possibly going for lunch in London on Wednesday. Everything requires money and energy - neither of which I have much of.

I guess I just look at myself and think... how do other people see me? I find myself boring, monotonous and I don't like it. I used to be more interesting because I was at uni and I went out and had lots of friends and even though I was often stuck in my halls... I could still pop in to see a friend or they would come and see me. I feel like I have regressed... I don't feel 22. It seems like all my friends are either getting on with study or getting engaged and have good jobs, cars, houses and stuff.

I even feel guilty that I feel like this when other people are in way worse situations than me. It seems selfish and erm spoilt.

I actually don't even know what I want to be or what I want in life anymore. I don't know what would make me happy. It's like I am in a boat and just floating around aimlessly not knowing where I am going.

It's quite worrying when it's got to the point that I am actually looking forward to starting this 'probably' nightmare job because I want something to do and something to fill some of my boring life up with.

You know something's wrong when you are sat in bed watching Channel 5 at 00.17!!

Please ignore all the above venting crap... I just needed to let it out somewhere before I burst into tears.

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