My Diary Stuff

My Reads

  • Age: 20s
  • Location: Southern England, UK
  • Occupation: being a Princess..
  • Education: GCSE/A-Level/Bachelors
  • Pros: I love Islam, my pets, my friends and my family
  • Cons: I hate being lonely, missing people, work, not having healthiness
  • Aspirations: train in something useful like teaching, get married and have children (I think that wraps it up nicely!)

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2002-11-26 - 6:19 p.m.

OK - I have had a note... conformation that some people do actually read this and I am not just talking to myself... although I doubt I have a regular readership... it's just people popping by in the manner of someone having a coffee and a peep into my head - God help them!

So I was reading some past entries and thought I would address a few things:

2002-11-21 - "I need to sit down with my statements etc. and sort out how much money I have got and what is already ear-marked to go out in December..." - I never did actually do this... I think it would be too depressing

2002-11-22 - 12:51 a.m "and that's why I am still sitting in bed on laptop." - Of course I wasn't ACTUALLY sitting ON my laptop... I don't think it would have survived that experience... I meant why I am online... go figure!

2002-11-22 - Re: the person who came online... well it was him. Things were going downhill that day.

2002-11-22 - Re: BBC2... I fixed it by retuning on another frequency.. ta-daaa

I am sure there are other points that I could give an up-date on but my trivia is boring... so I will refrain.

Yeah so I didn't update on here yesterday. I completely forgot - perhaps due to being a bit more happy and less bored than normal. It wasn't until I was lying in bed trying, and failing, to go to sleep that I remembered. Anyway, I have decided today is a happy me day - so I won't let anyone ruin it... even though it feels like people are trying to test my patience at every turn. I have just done another bloating round of eating - altho mom is obeying my commands at producing non-fattening food and I am helping her a lot more in the house in order to be a good girl and make her happy.

Yeah so nothing happened yesterday except I road-tested the vacuum cleaner that was at my grandad's house but we now have... it has amazing suction power... in fact it tried to vacuum up the carpet tiles in one room - hardly the point... so that was quite bizarre, but also it's so heavy... like pushing a large fat person in a wheelchair... so the whole time I was remembering calorie and fat burning potential and trying not to shvitz!

My diet is going sooooo well and consequently my motivation has upped by about a trillion times. This was also aided by the fact I looked at my old diet book from May 2001 and worked out I had lost 32 pounds since then.... worrying if I get down another 25KG - which is my target... I will have lost about 88 pounds in total... which makes me sound really revolting! My dad nearly keeled over and died when I told him quite how much weight I want to lose and mom made him promise to buy me something (clothes-wise I expect) when I have lost another 28 pounds... so that's that.

Gosh it's cold here... brrrrrrr

I have a niggling thought going on in my head - I want to clarify something with someone, but they are not around to ask... damn! Oh and tomorrow is signing on day - urgh... standing freezing my ass off (I wish it was that easy) so I can get a germ ridden bus. I really wish I could get a job abroad soon.

I have a feeling I am a really boring person - I just seem to bore bore bore and talk about things that are of no interest to the other person I am talking to. I wonder does anyone else of the opposite sex actually share anything in common with me? I must have been given an early best before/expiry date or something, because I feel like I went off-the-boil years ago. Having said that people crawl out of the woodwork every now and again and say... oh I missed you so much... I love talking to you - which of course is mildly ego boosting, but I am inclined to doubt the truth of these statements... the truth is probably that they have time to kill...


Oh and I have decided - job or no job - I am going to save my money up as best as possible after December for going away... :-)

Ok am gonna shut me gob now! Byeeeeee xxx


Love: Good

Sleep: Crap

Diet: Extra Excellent

Motivation: Excellent

Exercise: Moderate

Family Bonding: Excellent

Jobhunting: Crap

Chatting: Moderate

Worrying-ness of Life: Extreme

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