My Diary Stuff

My Reads

  • Age: 20s
  • Location: Southern England, UK
  • Occupation: being a Princess..
  • Education: GCSE/A-Level/Bachelors
  • Pros: I love Islam, my pets, my friends and my family
  • Cons: I hate being lonely, missing people, work, not having healthiness
  • Aspirations: train in something useful like teaching, get married and have children (I think that wraps it up nicely!)

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2002-09-08 - 9:42 p.m.

I have a sore throat - so as such I am not feeling so good. Actually I lie.. today was quite a nice day.. restful and peaceful... but my sore throat has been getting worse all day and is kind of at a high point!!

I caught up with not only my uni friends, but my internet friends and my mom and sis. Which in the scheme of things is kinda cool. I made a real effort today to see some of the people I would consider to be my online friends. I haven't been paying them as much attention as I should have recently... for various reasons - including my graduation ceremony and the fact that mum and dad went away the end of last week. They don't seem to mind that much... which is good and I seem to have managed to apologise my way out of it.

I spoke to two people today who seem really not that happy underneath everything. It's weird because some of the people who I would see as being really happy and having a nice life are actually turning out to be the people who then later on confess to me that they are unhappy. I find that a bit strange. I guess their behaviour is just an act or front to cover up for their true feelings.

Oh and a funny but actually awful at the time thing that happened to me was with one of the people who I chat to online. I was talking to this person and they started saying stuff about how my bf says nasty stuff about me behind my back and yet is nice to my face. GOD I nearly fell of my chair. I was like.. 'U what?' I felt quite sick at this point especially because I am generally paranoid about these kinds of things happening to me. I guess it is just my own insecurity. The whole time she was saying these things I was thinking at the back of my mind... 'this is crazy, it can't be happening... there's no way on this planet he would say stuff about me or do this to me...' So I was asking the person... well what did he say and when did he say it? I kept asking and they didn't reply - which just made it worse. Then I said... 'TELL ME PLZ - What did he say about me?' and the person suddenly said... "ohhhhhh no - I wasn't talking about you I was talking about me..." <------- OMG I just went through having some kind of heart attack all because of this person's bad English usage. Anyway in the end I was able to breathe a sigh of relief... I just wish people would stop doing these kinds of things to me because one day my heart will just conk out.

I guess it just goes to show though that you shouldn't believe everything people say and you shouldn't let people try to errode your trust. I trust him 100% and I am gonna have to remember that and not let all these people try and make me think otherwise. At the end of the day my reaction to events such as these just goes to show how much I care about him and how much he means to me otherwise I wouldn't feel like I do when people do or say such things.

I seem to have sorted out the kennel war... for now!! It was cool to talk to my mamma for a bit and to tell her about how things are going here. I didn't tell her that the shower seems to be broken - cos it may just be my ineptitude that is making it not work properly. *feeling a tad worried*

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