My Diary Stuff

My Reads

  • Age: 20s
  • Location: Southern England, UK
  • Occupation: being a Princess..
  • Education: GCSE/A-Level/Bachelors
  • Pros: I love Islam, my pets, my friends and my family
  • Cons: I hate being lonely, missing people, work, not having healthiness
  • Aspirations: train in something useful like teaching, get married and have children (I think that wraps it up nicely!)

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2003-07-28 - 12:14 a.m.

I'm still snooping around online. I never called him today. I should have because I said I would, but my phobia reared its ugly head and I chickened out. Strangely my mind kept focusing on the idea that he might be with friends/relations or busy... in which case I wouldn't want him to pick up because I get frozen with fear that they can hear me. As for being busy, I am one of those martyrs who doesn't want to disturb anyone, when really I am craving attention and love. So in reality, I would quite like to speak with them, but I am scared that I am going to disturb them and somehow that's going to make them angry at me. Sometimes I really think I need to see a shrink!

I need to get myself sorted out tomorrow. Work 3 days this week means I need to get my room tidy and dusted and vacuumed. It's messy-ish, not majorly, but enough to annoy me and then I really, really, really need to do some correspondance. Piles of envelopes are lying around waiting to be filed and I owe two letters to people. I also wrote a letter complaining to the council about people parking on the grass opposite our house... so I should print that off and post it!

Yes, Nosher is an activist, a complainer... not a peacenik anymore. See that's what Social Services does to you! It makes you into one of those people that complains about things to the council and writes letters to VIPs. I'm quite proud of my new, militant stance. I'm even thinking of offering to write letters of annoyance for other, less brave people. Ok knowing me, this letter will never get posted...

I worked out I only have 10 days left to strain my ass out at my current job - that's over the next 4 weeks. By Saturday, I will have worked 3 of those... leaving a nice 7 days... ha! Even the thought tastes sweet. Having said that, those 10 days could be 10 days of hell... so I had better not celebrate too quickly.

*Possible grossed-out warning*

Thanks Hot-Crumpets for the message in my notes. Gosh that Bonjela advert is certainly minging... the thought of any 'men' living in my mouth repulses me somewhat. Has anyone else got the chronic ulcerated mouth problem? Maybe it's just people with chronic disases. For years and years I had this problem of mouth ulcers... not just one or two, but a nice mouthful.. some of them running along my entire gum or lip or whatever... it gets so bad that I can't lie on that side of my face - bad if it's both sides! Also, I can't eat properly and can't speak properly. My mom even said I looked 'down in the mouth' this morning... URGH! I have tried all sorts of things to cure it, but to no avail.

I guess I am going to try and go to bed now... read my book and relax.

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