My Diary Stuff

My Reads

  • Age: 20s
  • Location: Southern England, UK
  • Occupation: being a Princess..
  • Education: GCSE/A-Level/Bachelors
  • Pros: I love Islam, my pets, my friends and my family
  • Cons: I hate being lonely, missing people, work, not having healthiness
  • Aspirations: train in something useful like teaching, get married and have children (I think that wraps it up nicely!)

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2003-03-05 - 9:02 p.m.

I survived.

Goodness knows how, but I can confirm: I am still alive.

I keep eating Trebor Softmints of the spearmint variety. I cannot simply eat one without eating loads... they taste so nice and I love chewy sweeties, but most are gelatinous so I can't partake of them.

I had to sort out an 89 year old woman who called work today. I felt from talking to her, how fragile she was and it reminded me of my nana (who died when I was 16)... so I tried to be mega nice to her - not that I am not really nice normally - but we had to keep her holding on the phone for ages so I chatted to her a bit more than I normally would to keep her reassured and not panic her. In general, I don't like old people so much. I don't mind people under 75 or 80, but once they get over 80 I start to feel freaky. It scares me how much we degenerate that I don't like to be reminded about it.

Strangely and embarassingly... I miss The Salon! I have to say I would never have thought those words would leave my lips or be typed by my fingers... but I find it curiously therapeutic watching other people work. I have also always liked watching hairdressers for the same reason - so The Salon is my kinda programme. I hope this isn't some kind of strange fetish! I can veg on the sofa and drool like a granny whilst watching it with one eye.

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