My Diary Stuff

My Reads

  • Age: 20s
  • Location: Southern England, UK
  • Occupation: being a Princess..
  • Education: GCSE/A-Level/Bachelors
  • Pros: I love Islam, my pets, my friends and my family
  • Cons: I hate being lonely, missing people, work, not having healthiness
  • Aspirations: train in something useful like teaching, get married and have children (I think that wraps it up nicely!)

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2002-11-29 - 8:06 p.m.

It's only me... - I keep saying that recently... I am not sure why...

So I am freezing... and my room looks like an explosion occurred, but really it is me half way through tidying my wardrobe...

I am so-so at the moment. I went to town today and managed to procure 3 Christmas presents for my 3 main present giving friends. I got a 3 for 2 offer in Boots... which meant I only spent �10, but then I still have to get a birthday present for one of them and I am considering getting a present for my hairdresser and my old best friend. I also got my eyebrows done, but I am thinking of changing beauty salons because they peed me off today...

Anyway the town trip was nice, but I started to pay for it half way through and had to go and sit down and have a drink because I was about to collapse. Poor mom, she takes me out and this always happens. I even didn't eat meat today and stuck to a jacket potato to see if it would help, but it didn't. However, mom really appreciated the company... I really don't know what she would do without me (and that scares me a bit). I am glad that I give her some friendship and make her feel good... cos I like doing that for anyone that I care about.

I got a letter in the post stating the date of my 13 week review... 13th December! A couple of uni friends had asked me to go up and visit them then or the next day, but I am gonna tell them I can't, as to be honest I really don't fancy it and I can't afford it either. So I thought that I could quickly see them for an hour on Wednesday the 4th, which is my Prize Giving Ceremony, and exchange presents - urgh. I know it sounds awful, but I have really gone off them as friends at the moment. I am still mildy stewing about what happened in September and also the other one who was not involved in the September incident managed to piss me off on MSN. I know they don't mean it, but I just feel a bit sore about everything... and they seemed to be leading a life that is so different to mine now... I guess we don't have a lot in common at the moment.

I realised today how many emails and texts I owe everyone. I feel so bad. I even owe a written card to someone - argh! I must do that tomorrow and fill in an application form for a reception job at the Council - Town Hall. I hate those Council application forms... they suck big time and they never show off my good points. I also need to do aerobics - I promise myself now that I am going to do that tomorrow and also to clean my room. I am now considering going to get my nails done sometime, but I am not sure if I can afford it.

Even though it might not be apparent from this diary entry... I am fairly happy today. I just feel so M.E.-ey and PMS is building within me... but mind-wise I am good. My diet is going so well... I am really pleased and shocked. I have not had any eating problems since Monday. I even stood in the M&S Foodhall and stared at food that normally I would consider delicious, but this time I was not interested... in fact it made me feel sick. I also realised that since I left the diet and fitness club.. I have lost about 10 pounds... which I was quite amazed at. I didn't realise I managed to lose that much by myself.

Oh and this morning I woke up in time for Trisha... and realised how normal and sane I am... so that show does have some uses. Bring back Rikki Lake... I miss her show... all those chunky Yanks made me feel so much better about myself! Selfish I know!


Love: Good

Sleep: Crap

Diet: Excellent

Motivation: Limited

Exercise: Good

Thoughts about doing exercise: Extreme

Jobhunting: Excellent

Chatting: Limited

Worrying-ness of Life: Minimal

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